Pack Burro Race • Saturday, June 7, 2025
Main Race & back for a second running, the Short Course- approximately 3 miles!!!
- The Races Begin and End on Main Street - 10am
- Main Race is just under 10 miles, through the historic Creede Mining District
- Short Course is an out and back about 3 miles up the Bachelor Loop
- Bring your own burro, or call the Visitor Center for rental info
- Prizes awarded in Male/Female Categories: 1st $300, 2nd $200, 3rd $100
Race A Mini Donkey on Main street - 10:15am - $20 - All ages - donkeys provided. Must sign up by 9:30am.
Farmers Market and Live Music all day!
The History of Burro Racing
Burro racing is a great sport begun by some of Colorado’s 19th-century miners. Those hardy characters used burros to carry mining tools and supplies through the Rocky Mountains as they prospected for gold, silver, and other valuable ores. Since the burros were carrying a full load, the miners had to walk, leading the animal with a rope. Legend has it that two miners found gold in the same location, and raced each other back to town to be the first to stake a claim to the find. Neither could ride their animal because of its load, so one of the basic rules of burro racing was established.
Registration Info
Creede's Burro Race: The Donkey Dash
The Creede Donkey Dash starts and finishes on Main Street adjacent to Basham Park. Teams consist of a burro and runner. The Main course covers about 10 miles through Creede’s Historic Mining District. Competitors will pass by the Creede Underground Mining Museum, past the Commodore Mine UP the "Black Pitch", run through the Weaver Town Site, follow the 4x4 Road by the Midwest Mine, up and over through the switchbacks, pass Phoenix Park and then down the East Willow Canyon, through North Creede, and then south back into town to finish off the final three miles of the race with a gradual downhill that ends on a cheering Main Street! Several mines can be seen along the racecourse, including the remnants of the Kentucky Belle, gripping the cliffs hundreds of feet above the road.
The Short Course follows all the same standard rules of pack burro racing and is approximately 3 miles long, starting with the Main Race on Main St in front of Basham Park. Runners and their burros will head north into the canyon, but will diverge from the others racers by turning right onto the East Willow Canyon. They will follow the road for about 3/4 mile through North Creede to the turn around point, following the route back to the START/FINISH line in front of Basham Park. While we've added the Short Course to include more participants, it should be noted that any race involving trail running AND burros should not be taken lightly!!!
Note: The courses are subject to change due to FS Road Conditions. Our Alternate course loops in front of the Court House from Main Street to Loma Avenue up towards Capital Avenue and picks up Forest Road 504/Bachelor Loop Road. Runners will turn around and follow the course back to the Start Finish Line.
In the News
- Bottomless Backpacks: "So You Want to Watch a Pack Burro Race" - What to expect at our race
- Mineral County Miner writeup about the 2022 Donkey Dash
- Read this fun write-up about the 2017 Donkey Dash! "Your Turn: The Inaugural Creede Pack Burro Race"
- Listen to the 2019 Podcast about the event