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Survival Fire Building

Saturday, June 07, 2014, 10:00am - 02:00pm
Contact Eloise Hooper

Imagine you were lost, or your vehicle went off the road in a remote area, with little or no tools to help you survive. Would you be able to build a fire; to keep warm, cook food, or to signal for rescue? Survival Fire Building will teach you how to make a fire using items that most hikers or vehicles have with them. Fire making modes will include bow drill, battery and steel wool, flint and steel and magnifying glass. Participants will get hands-on experience in all methods being taught. SAfety will be a major part of this workshop: safety in building a fire, keeping in contained and prevent it from spreading and making sure the fire is extinguished. A breakfast of Hunter's Special Sausage Breakfast Dutch Oven Feast shared with the instructor will be available for those willing to brave the chill morning. Breakfast will be held at 9am at the Fairgrounds. Diners must add $5 to their registration fee and the registration received by Creede/Mineral Arts and Recreation office by June 2, 2014. You can call Eloise at 719-658-2276 for more info and to register. 

Mineral County Fairgrounds
Airport Road

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Creede & Mineral County Visitor Center & Chamber of Commerce

Open Tue-Sat 9am - 4pm, Lunch 1-2
904 S. Main St., PO Box 580
Creede CO 81130
Area Information Located North of Door. Free WiFi is always on!


Donations are appreciated. As a non-profit organization, we thrive on the kindness and charity of our visitors. Thank you!